Monday, October 6, 2008


So many things are happening here, I can't even begin to tell you about every single one. We recently moved into a new apartment in a different town. Let me first say I absolutely love this apartment. It is big, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, with 7 closets!!! Enough room for our expanding family. However, I have yet to fully unpack everything. So the one room has boxes everywhere. And I can't really do this all by myself, because this pregnancy is wearing me out and the most comfortable position for me to be in is laying in bed. That sucks for unpacking, decorating and other various projects.
I also have so many scrapbooking projects that I want to begin, but again my stuff is everywhere!!! I don't know what to do about that either! I am itching to be creative, it feels like I have been stuck in this rut and now I am bursting at the seems just to start. It's always on my mind and I have so many ideas, I just need help getting all of this done. My hubby works and I can't rely on him to do everything, it just isn't fair. It would just be nice to have everything already done. Especially with Keegan arriving in a month!
I just really wish I had some extra help! And it sucks that we really don't know anyone around here. My mother-in-law said she would help us unpack and everything, however that has turned out to be a joke. Twice she bailed on coming to see us/help us! And now that it's October her weekend schedule is just so busy with "all of the dog shows and kennel happenings". She even "has to see" what her schedule looks like for Keegan's birth. This just irritates me. Not to mention upsets my hubby. I just don't know how to deal with her or take her comments. I am hurt by all of this, maybe it's because I'm pregnant, but it just hurts that she doesn't seem to put her son or grandchild first instead of them always taking second to her "dogs". UUUUGGG!!!! Any advice anyone???
I am just right now trying to look at all the positives. I know the apartment isn't finished yet and many things need to be done, however at least Keegan is doing well and my hubby is happy with work and excited about the birth of little K-man! I just have to remember to keep my head up!!!

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