Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keegan Lynn, the little K-man

We went to the doctors on Tuesday and little K-man will be arriving November 11th!!! It's not on the 10th, the Marine Corp birthday, like my hubby wanted it, however, it is on Veteran's Day so that makes up for it! We are excited that he is coming and preparing as much as we can. My mom and sister will be coming in for the birth and my mom will be staying for a couple weeks, thank God!!! We visit the hospital this Saturday on the 11th for a tour and to complete early registration. It feels like, though, that it is forever away, even though we have right at a month.
I don't know who all reads this except for my loving, devoted hubby, however any comments, advice, concerns, etc. would be awesome to hear on here. This is kinda a forum for me to release my thoughts and update people on our family. It's kind of therapeutic, but it also helps to hear comments too. Well my sleeping pattern is off, because I sleep mainly in the day, however I am starting to get sleepy, so I will bid ya'll a fair goodnight!!!

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