Monday, September 29, 2008

RCIA Class

Tonight we attended our first RCIA class. It was the introduction night and as we went around the circle listening to people's stories, I was in awe. There were three people there from different countries who told their stories of being Catholic or Christian in general, in a country that persecutes religion. These ladies came from Communist and Dictatorship countries. It amazes me how faith can endure that type of environment. These ladies are truly an inspiration.
I also got a little teary-eyed when my husband's turn came and he explained his story. Up until the time my husband meet me, he was truly an atheist. When we met, I invited him to attend Mass with me and to my amazement he said yes. And so his faith journey began. He said some things about me that made me blush. He is so sweet and kind. The funny thing is - many people don't know that about him. They just see this Marine who sometimes has an attitude. However, that is not who he is most of the time. I just wish people could see him through my eyes!
During the entire class, little Keegan - my K-man, decided he was happy that Daddy is becoming Catholic and that we were all in church together, because he became very excited and has not stopped moving since!!! This little guy just can't wait to arrive into the world. He is getting more excited and moving around the closer the day gets. I just wish he would let me get some sleep!!! Keegan truly is a blessing and I wouldn't change any of this!!!

A phone call...

I am laying here in bed watching my husband and puppy sleep. It's so easy for them to sleep, it makes me jealous. With this pregnancy I find myself tired a lot, however, I am only able to sleep a couple hours here and there and mostly throughout the day. It seems to be difficult to sleep at night because Keegan tends to be very active.
Tomorrow night my hubby starts his RCIA classes. These classes teach him about the Catholic faith and lead him to becoming Catholic. On Easter, he will be receiving his sacraments. This is a big step for him and I am so proud of him for taking this giant leap. I am praying that it all works out!!!!
Speaking with a friend of mine today, I realize how much I miss TX. I haven't been able to visit since February and it's hard being away. I listen to what is going on and realize that I want to be there so I don't miss anything and so I can be of support. My friend is going through a difficult time right now with a relationship and all I want is for her to be happy. I don't really have a side in the situation, like a lot of people seem to have, all I care about is her happiness. And that's what I don't understand, when people give advice, why put your two-cents in about how you feel about someone you barely know. Give the person a chance to redeem themselves. Understand that ultimately that person can make your friend happy in the end. That is what is really important. I have no opinion on the gentleman in question, because I don't know him. However, I am realizing that he could possibly make my friend very happy and that is what is important to me. I will support her no matter what!!! I just hope that other friends can do the same. And my philosophy is this...if you are thinking about marrying the person that you are in a relationship with - ask yourself if that person is your best-friend. Can you tell them anything without humiliation or judgement??? And do you know that you are their best-friend??? Then to me, that's who you should be with. It's very least for me it was!!!! Good luck to my friend...I got your back!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My first entry

I have decided to start blogging. This decision was based on everyone wanting to know what's going on with me or updates on my pregnancy. So why not blog? It would get my thoughts and feeling out there to my friends and family and also update them on my life. Yet, it would also give them a chance to comment and maybe understand a little more about me and my family. I also gave my husband free reign to blog if he would like too, however, we will see if that happens. I am excited about doing this. It will help me document the progression of our family and the life of little Keegan. Keegan will be born soon, in about three weeks. We are blessed to have made it this far in the pregnancy without many major complications. Also, Keegan is growing and seems to be a healthy, strong, and big baby boy. I can't wait to hold him in my arms and see him with his Daddy. I didn't know if I could get pregnant or how hard/easy it would be. However, to be able to give this little boy the gift of life and to give my wonderful husband a baby is the most important thing I have ever done in my life. Words cannot express this kind of blessing and joy! Throughout this blog, I hope that my friends and family learn a lot about my family and I. I also hope to hear comments, advice, encouragement and whatever they feel I need to hear. Many of my friends and family are very blunt and are honest, these things I need to hear the most from them. So enjoy and comment freely!!!! ----- God Bless!!!!